Managerial skills as a determinant of international negotiation




Attitude, International, Management, Business, Globalization


Introduction: The development of managerial skills during the last two decades, in managers, makes a great difference in the effectiveness of employees and the
organization's overall performance. The difficulties evoked by managers involved in international business are due to socio-cultural differences, legal conditions, and lifestyles. Objective: To analyze managerial skills as a function of international business. Reflection: Under a commercial relations approach, managerial skills are acquired and learned to produce expected results with maximum certainty that allow companies to expand their markets globally. Conclusions: The traditional approaches referred to managerial skills in terms of the competencies to be achieved by managers in organizations are based on leadership, understood as the ability to train and develop
common actions, under common objectives.


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2022-12-14 — Updated on 2022-12-14


How to Cite

Gonzalez Marin, Y., Arias Vargas, F. J., & Garcés Giraldo, L. F. (2022). Managerial skills as a determinant of international negotiation. Pensamiento Americano, 15(30), 1-12.