Aplication of the primacy of the reality over the formal work contracts
Contract primacy of the reality on the formality, subordinate, denaturation, OutsourcingAbstract
Work, being a right protected by the Constitution and colombian laws have all colombians today enjoys special
protection to the point that Article 53 of the current national constitution indicates the basic principles to be applied
to labor law, is concern on the part of Colombian workers to see how some employers have tried to distort the labor
contracts pretending that no employment contract in situations where there is evidence of a true contract because it
meets the elements of the same. In this essay a study of the regulatory framework which gives legal support to this
important principle are referenced as well as high court rulings that have been taken as a precedent.
Código Laboral Colombiano. Editorial Temis.
Constitución Política Colombiana. Editorial Temis.
Guerrero Figueroa, Guillermo. Teoría General del Derecho Laboral. Editorial Leyer. Quinta edición.
López Fajardo, Alberto. Elementos de Derecho del Trabajo.
Ediciones Librería del Profesional LTD. Tercera edición.
Vanegas Castellanos, Alfonso. Derecho Individual del Trabajo. Ediciones del Profesional Ltda. Primera edición (2011).
Sentencia C-665 de 1998 de la Corte Constitucional.
Sentencia C-555 de 1994 de la Corte Constitucional.
Sentencia 21 de febrero de 2002 del Consejo de Estado.
Sentencia 9 de abril de 1991, M.P. la Corte Suprema de Justicia.
Sentencia T 500 de 2000, M.P. la Corte Suprema de Justicia.
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