Displaced persons in Colombia: a specific case of a vulnerable population in human rights
Displacement, Conflict, ViolenceAbstract
Displacement is a phenomenon of involuntary migration caused by violence, in which individuals and families not
directly involved in the fight, they are forced to move from their place of origin to protect their life or physical integrity.
As a violation of humanitarian law is a situation which embodies the simultaneous violation of civil, political, economic,
social and cultural rights. Colombia is one of the world’s countries with the largest number of IDPs. Until May
2011 the Government of Colombia has registered more than 3.7 million IDPs in the country. The Consultancy for
Human Rights and Displacement (CODHES) consider that the actual number of people displaced by internal armed
conflict since the mid-80’s than 5 million people. IDPs lose everything, leave their homes, property and livelihoods
and are in constant danger either reprisals or that a new outbreak of violence becomes necessary to move again, for
these circumstances and the alarming number of displaced since mid-1997 the Government of Colombia requested
ACNUR to provide advice to the national institutions responsible for caring for the displaced population and for this it
was necessary to establish an office in the country. With the consent of the Secretary General of the United Nations,
ACNUR responded favorably to the request of the Government of Colombia and in June 1998 opened an office in Bogotá
in order to contribute to strengthening national capacity to address the problem of displacement, meeting today
in 13 cities across the country due to extreme poverty and vulnerability in this population is located in Colombia.
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