Legal titles of imputation in the non-contractual liability of the State non-contractual liability of the State


  • Jhonny Mendoza Vásquez Corporación Universitaria Americana


State, Title


It is of great importance to bear in mind that in Law there is a general premise, which is to understand and implement
that all those who cause harm are in the legal obligation to respond. This obligation in our legal system translates into
responsibility. As it is well explained by professor Libardo Rodríguez. (Rodríguez, 2011:525). In the legal universe
there are different types of responsibility, for example, we find the Civil, Criminal, Prosecution, disciplinary liability
and obviously the administrative responsibility of the State. The latter finds its development in article 90 of the Political
Constitution of Colombia, which supports that the State, must respond financially by the damage caused, this
responds to the harm caused to a person who does not have a legal duty to bear. As a result, this type of responsibility in our legal system is no longer based on the failure of the service, but in the wrongful injury, so that not only the cases in which proved illegality of the agent producing damage are compensated, but also those cases in which although there is no unlawful conduct, such as fault or malice in the act or omission, if harm occurred which was necessary to compensate following this way the Spanish doctrinal line.


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RODRÍGUEZ Libardo, Derecho Administrativo General y Colombiano, Editorial Temis, Decimoséptima edición.

Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991.

Constitución Política de Colombia de 1986.

PERDOMO Jaime Vidal, Derecho Administrativo General y Colombiano, Editorial Temis, 2000.

Sentencia del 20 de febrero de 1989, del Consejo de Estado.

Sentencia de 24 de junio de 1999, del Consejo de Estado.

Sentencia 12 de diciembre de 1989, del Consejo de Estado.

Sentencia del 30 de Junio de 1962, de la Corte Suprema de Justicia.

TAMAYO Jaramillo Javier, De la Responsabilidad Civil, Editorial Temis 2007.

PAREJA Carlos H., La responsabilidad del Estado, Bogotá, Edit. Andes, 1940.

Decreto 528 de 1964

Sentencia del 22 de octubre 1896, de la Honorable Corte Suprema de Justicia

HENAO Juan Carlos, Presentación general de la Responsabilidad Extracontractual del Estado en Colombia, en Jornadas colombo venezolanas de Derecho Público.






Research Articles

How to Cite

Mendoza Vásquez, J. (2021). Legal titles of imputation in the non-contractual liability of the State non-contractual liability of the State. Pensamiento Americano, 4(7), 47-51.