The purpose of the process


  • Iván Alfonso Cordero Gutiérrez Corporación Universitaria Americana


Judge, decision, argumentation


The type of state that Colombia made since 1991 (Rule of Law), implies that the state fulfill the objectives are shared with the population, thus generating degrees of responsibility for the costs borne by them and the State for the realization of the objectives. The satisfaction of people’s basic needs as one of the essential purposes of the rule of law, no exception to this scheme, which determines the harmonious cooperation not only between institutions and agencies of state but of this, supplemented by the population . One of the basic needs of the population, refers to the ability to resolve conflicts using the mechanisms for this purpose is available,
using the forms of self government, self-resolution, hybrid and heterocomposiciòn, the State authorized according to the guidelines
of each mechanism with respect to the matters that make sutanciales rights are discussed in relationship conflict. Within these
dispute resolution mechanisms, the heterocomposiciòn has one called the court process, where a third party vested with specific
powers and exercising jurisdiction, the decision on the conflict, after the exhaustion of successive stages and preclusive to ensure
the effective participation , exercise and defense of fundamental rights of the parties and substantial, generating greater assurance
of legality on the decision generated by the third party have full jurisdiction (the Judge). As the court process more suitable mechanism
for its regulated state protection and modernized, must be protected, strengthened and preferred over the so-called courts as
equivalent to these the State intends to displace competition when resolving conflicts, creating a climate disfavoring due process.
The ineffectiveness of the judicial system is not due to judicial proceedings as such but to the sum of several human factors, technical
and infrastructure that are not remedied by dismissing the use of this-the process, other mechanisms to encourage less offer
guarantees which may become sharpen more conflicts.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Cordero Gutiérrez, I. A. (2011). The purpose of the process. Pensamiento Americano, 4(7), 81-86.