Identity of place and care of the physical school environment
Place identity, care, education, physical environmentAbstract
Introduction: To examine the relationship between place identity and care of the physical school environment. While care is understood as an attribute of the relationship that requires education and commitment, as a relationship between the one who cares and the one who is cared for, it is achieved when both people accept it, nurture it and commit to it. Methodology: A mixed method is approached, using descriptive statistics to present the information, data analysis was performed through IBM SPSS statistics software to perform statistical tests and relationships between variables, contrasting with its qualitative aspect from observation through a checklist, only to improve reliability. Results: a positive relationship is shown between identity of place and care of the school physical environment; with respect to identity of place and student education levels, the relationship is inverse and negative with a dependent value of -10.71. Conclusions: the finding can be used to create educational guidelines that contribute to institutional strategies, to achieve greater awareness and care about the space they use, concluding that schools should be conceived as environments that resonate deeply with students, fostering a stronger sense of identity and connection, to solve the opportunities for improvement found in the identity of place as students' academic levels increase.
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