Challenges and teacher competencies in the inclusive education approach in Colombia
Inclusive education, Teacher training, Assistive technology for people with disabilities, Educational policy, School environmentAbstract
Introduction: In the contemporary context, inclusive education has acquired significant relevance at a global level, seeking to guarantee access to an excellent education for each student, regardless of their abilities, and promoting an inclusive and diverse environment in educational establishments. Objetive: The central purpose of this review article is to expose some public policies, the use of technology in educational processes, approaches, strategies and methodologies used by teachers to promote inclusive education in Colombia. Method: A methodology based on the interpretive paradigm with a qualitative approach was applied. An exhaustive review of recent literature related to inclusive education was carried out and data recording sheets were used as an instrument for collecting information. Results: Among the findings, the importance of teacher training and interprofessional collaboration stands out to guarantee an inclusive education adapted to the demands of students with disabilities. Conclusion: It is concluded that the strengthening of pedagogical, technological, scientific and ethical competencies in teachers is essential to implement inclusive strategies and promote a respectful and equitable educational environment.
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