Teaching strategies to achieve significant learning in university students in Peru
Effectiveness, Teaching strategies, Significant learning, University studentsAbstract
Introduction: The interest in addressing the problem of achieving significant learning has not only been directed at basic education but at the higher level, since in the first years of university and especially with general studies, students show problems in achieving significant learning. without a doubt, the first concern has focused on teacher teaching strategies. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the incidence of teaching strategies in the achievement of significant learning of students in a private University of Huancayo (2023). Methodology: A basic type of research was developed, with a descriptive design, under a quantitative approach; The sample was 85 undergraduate students enrolled in comprehensive communication courses in the 2023- 1 cycle and the survey was used as a data collection technique. Conclusions: Concluding
that there is an impact of teaching strategies on the achievement of significant learning of students in a private University of Huancayo, because a Sig coefficient of .000 was found, which was statistically significant because it was <0,05. Likewise, the variability
of learning achievements was explained by 57.1 % by the independent variable.
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