Virtual educational strategy on oral health with elderly patients with periodontal and cardiovascular desease
Periodontal diseases, Cardiovascular diseases, Secondary prevention, Patient education as topic, Qualitative researchAbstract
i) Introduction: cardiovascular diseases affect the patients not only because of their heart disease but also because of their oral health. This raises the need to improve knowledge and practices to prevent poor periodontal status from advancing. ii) Objective: to implement a virtual educational strategy on oral health with patients with cardiovascular and periodontal disease between 55 and 75 years of age who attend the dental clinic of the Institución Universitaria Visión de las Américas, Pereira branch, in the period 2020-2. iii) Methodology: qualitative study with Action Research design. Twelve patients with technological resources
participated. iv) Results: it was developed in four phases. I)Description of knowledge and practices on oral health: interviews were conducted. II)Planning and formulation of the strategy: patients raised concerns, suggested learning with videos. III)Implementation
of the educational strategy: nine educational workshops were held. Serious games, videos, discussions, among others, were used. IV)Compilation of results of the strategy: in spite of the little knowledge of virtuality, the participants were motivated and showed knowledge of the topics. v) Conclusions: the virtual educational strategy with a group of elderly adults allowed them to learn how to improve their oral health and develop skills to increase their autonomy in self-care.
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- 2023-12-06 (4)
- 2023-12-07 (2)
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