Theory of Change in Community Strengthening: A Perspective from Impact Evaluation
Community, Social change, Social interaction, Social skillsAbstract
Introduction: Historically, human progress has relied on social interaction. However, today, connections are fragmenting, leading to the emergence of Social Innovation projects. This document emphasizes the need to monitor the impact of such projects.
Objective: Apply the theory of change in evaluating a community strengthening program in Palma Real 2, located in the municipality of Granada, Meta department, Colombia. Methodology: Data is gathered through a structured survey and the conduct of a focus
group involving project stakeholders. Following the theory of change, inputs, activities, products, effects, and impacts are identified. Results: Identified changes are categorized into four groups: changes in the sense of community, changes in social relationships,
changes in community organization, and changes in ties between the community and organizations. Conclusions: The analyzed social aspects and progress in the project exhibit a positive impact, except for the organizational dimension. Additionally, community
members express high satisfaction with the progress achieved during the first three phases of the social innovation route.
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