Individual Rights and Collective Decisions: Reflections on Assisted Suicide and the 'Right to Try' in Colombia
Autonomy, Biolaw, Bioethics, Right to Try, Assisted SuicideAbstract
The main objective of this reflective article is to examine how the principles of law, bioethics and autonomy are intertwined in the debates on assisted suicide and the 'Right to Try' in Colombia. It proposes to analyze the legal, ethical and social implications of these practices in the context of the Colombian health system. The question it proposes to address is: How are the principles of law, bioethics and autonomy intertwined in the debates on assisted suicide and the 'Right to Try' in Colombia, and what are the legal, ethical and social implications of these practices in the Colombian context? Methodology: Through a multidisciplinary
analysis, it has been shown that these debates are complex and marked by tensions between individual rights and social values. It has been evidenced that these spheres pose significant challenges in health decision-making and policies. Conclusions: In this sense, it is concluded that it is essential to approach these issues from a comprehensive perspective that considers both legal and ethical and social aspects, to ensure respect for human dignity and protect fundamental rights.
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