Narrative review of emotion research evidence on memory
Emotion, Emotions, Working memory, Memory performanceAbstract
Introduction: Research on the concepts of emotion and memory happens along multiple lines, this narrative review is specifically interested in analyzing the available literature on the influence of emotions on working memory (WM) given the contradictory evidence indicating facilitating and hindering effects of emotions on WM performance. Methodology: the Scopus, Science Direct and PubMed databases were used for this literature review. The selection criteria were articles with an emphasis on the effect of emotional valences on WM, with an experimental design from the last 10 years. A total of 96 articles were found and after eliminating duplicates, a final sample of 12 articles was established for critical analysis. Results: The experimental studies reviewed indicate a predominance of the N-back task paradigm with inclusion of affective imagery for the emotional effect, contradictions persist in the evidence of the effects that emotions have on MT, some studies report performance enhancing effects and in others the opposite. Conclusions: Overall, the effect of emotions on MT appears to be related to how these are measured and under what paradigm they are sustained.
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