Analysis of the prohibition of consensus justice in the criminal process of children and adolescence
Criminal law, Children's rights, Human rights, Social justice, FreedomAbstract
Introduction: The present research makes a study about the interference that the prohibition given by Law 1098 of 2006 to enter into pre-agreements has on the human rights of children and adolescents, not only from the constitutional recognition, but also from the
rights enshrined in international instruments that recognize human rights. Objective: to identify to what extent the legal configuration given by Law 1098 of 2006 in its article 157 configures a violation of the fundamental rights and constitutional precepts of the accused in matters of consensual justice in the criminal system for minors. Methodology: It is descriptive and explanatory, so that the main results allow to expose that, although Law 1098 of 2006 allows a level of guarantee in matters of minors, it is necessary to rethink how the prohibition as it configures a limit to consensual justice. Conclusion: such prohibition affects rights such as due process, equality, judicial guarantees and the prevalence of the best interest of the minor, therefore, according to the Constitutional Court, it is necessary for Colombia to make a normative adjustment to review the feasibility of adapting the figure of pre-agreements within the system of criminal responsibility for minors.
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