Support networks: improving the school effectiveness of CECYTEO Ixtlán, Sierra Norte, Oaxaca.
Support networks, School effectiveness, Teaching strategy, Basic EducationAbstract
Introduction: Education is one of the fundamental pillars for development and should be strengthened and constantly fed back because it plays a very important role in strengthening and improving socioeconomic development at the local, regional and national levels. Objective: To propose a teaching method focused on the use of support networks among students through collaborative work to improve school effectiveness affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: It is based on an action-research approach with data from primary sources, taking as a case study the Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Oaxaca CECYTEO plantel 03 Ixtlán located in the Sierra Norte region of the state of Oaxaca. Results: Failure, terminal efficiency and dropout indicators were analyzed in four school cycles, from the period 2018-2019 to 2021-2022. It was identified that the context was the main factor affecting the educational environment during and after the pandemic. Conclusion: It is concluded that the proposed teaching method can influence the improvement of school effectiveness and favor an institutional collaborative work environment in secondary education.
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