Mujer, Ópera, Richard StraussResumo
Tras la muerte de Wagner y Brahms, Richard Strauss emergio? como uno de los compositores ma?s importantes y populares de la mu?sica del siglo XX. Su trayectoria vital y profesional, azarosa y turbulenta, al igual que las de?cadas que vivio?, estuvo marcada por la realidad femenina. Es innegable que las mujeres de la vida de Strauss, todas de fuerte y distintiva personalidad, dejaron en e?l huellas tan hondas que fue necesario llevarlas a escena, no so?lo como una aportacio?n valiosa a la tipologi?a caracterolo?gica femenina, sino tambie?n como un ejercicio terape?utico personal. Asi?, mujeres reales y mujeres ficticias se confunden en sus obras en un proceso creativo u?nico: el del hombre-artista.
Palabras clave: Mujer, O?pera, Richard Strauss.
After the death of Wagner and Brahms, Richard Strauss emerged as one of the most important and popular in the history of music of the 20th. century composers. His eventful and turbulent life and professional career, as well as the decades that he lived, were marked by the female reality. It is undeniable that the women in the life of Strauss, were strong and had distinctive personalities, they left marks on him so deep that he felt necessary to take them to the scene, not only as a valuable contribution to the female character type but also as a personal therapeutic exercise. Thus, real and fictional women are confused in their works in a unique creative process: of the man-artist.
Keywords: Woman, Opera, Richard Strauss.
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