Some contributions of human resources management to the development of the organization's and competitiveness of the organization


  • Diego Alberto Loaiza Ospina Corporación Universitaria Americana


Human Resource Management, Organizational Change, paradigms


This article refers to the opportunity for any organization, whether micro, small, medium or large, public or private
sector, to recognize the incalculable value lies in its human capital as the main generator of value and differentiation
in globalized world today. In the phenomena of globalization, Human Resource Management plays a strategic role
and leading role, it becomes the strategic partner that promotes change at all levels of the organization and allows
among others, the transformation of organizational culture. Competitiveness is possible to achieve, but it needs
human management is aligned with the strategy and goals of the organization and an attitude of total commitment
and support from management.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Loaiza Ospina, D. A. (2011). Some contributions of human resources management to the development of the organization’s and competitiveness of the organization. Pensamiento Americano, 4(7), 17-21.