Learning for life or for pleasure


  • Diobaldo César Administrador Corporación Universitaria Americana




The teaching-learning process corresponds to a communicative system
corresponds to a communicative system par excellence
that requires a high dose of love that
guarantees the enjoyment or enjoyment of the participants, in a satisfactory
of search and satisfactory discovery.
In order to give it a high degree of quality, the participation of students and teachers is
the participation of more enterprising and critical students and teachers
more enterprising and critical and less academic or dependent
and critical and less academic or dependent, thus autonomous learning is key.
the achievement or goal, then, is students who learn as if they were going to teach.
students who learn as if they were going to teach and teachers who are
proactive and expert in the subjects they teach.
they teach.


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GONZÁLEZ Moena, Sergio, “Pensamiento Complejo”, Ed Mesa Redonda Magistrio.

MORIN, Edgar. Sociologie.Paris.Ed Fayard, 1994.

NICOLESCU, Basarab, “La ciencia y el Sentido”. En Revista

“Complejidad” Nro 1 septiembre –noviembre 1995.

MATURANA, Humberto y Varela, “El Arbol del Conocimiento”,

Madrid, Ed Debate, 1990.

MORIN, Edgar, “El Paradigma Perdido”, Ed Du Sëuil, 1973.

GARDNER, Howard, “Teoría de las Inteligencias Múltiples” , 2008, Internet, Google.

GARDNER, Howard, “Five Minds For The Future”, 2009, Internet Google.






Reflection Articles

How to Cite

Administrador, D. C. (2011). Learning for life or for pleasure. Pensamiento Americano, 4(7), 91-93. https://publicaciones.americana.edu.co/index.php/pensamientoamericano/article/view/562