Mobbing: psychological impact on university professors, repercussions on the sense of belonging and working permanency
Mobbing, Job keeping, Sense of belongingAbstract
This chapter works with mobbing concept and its psychological impact on the sense of belonging a job and keeping it. This research is carried out from a holistic perspective corroborating that the sense of belonging is affected by mobbing in Higher Education Institutions in a significant manner. The theoretical approach makes evident the need for studying it from a psychological point of view and to analyze it from the perspective of rational models, which leads to introduce the term “en-trepreneurialization” of universities. It was used a methodology that it is based on data construction to achieve it, some own research-tools were designed, starting with quantitative and qualitative techniques (surveys and interviews) applied to teaching staff of a public university. The obtained results and conclusions allowed us to notice the presence, although not significant, of mobbing; its psychological effects and repercussions in the job belonging sense and job keeping.
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