Editorial 31


  • Fernanda Pattaro Amaral Institución Universitaria Americana




This volume of the journal Pensamiento Americano is dedicated to the reflections about the family and the
school. Quite simply, we begin by stating that these are two basic institutions for human socialization: the first one, the family, where we learn the first steps in socialization, and the second one is the school, where we learn to behave within the citizenship mechanism. I affirm that citizenship is a mechanism supported by the readings of Foucault, on the devices of power and, naturally, one of the great theorists of the 20th century, for whom the school was also a rather interesting organism, once this process of socialization that is engendered within it attends to certain interests. We can here make some  readings on these two separate contexts (family and school) in their positive and negative characteristics, as well as this integration between the two and their beautiful and not so beautiful sides. With that, it is already clear that talking about these two points that are going to have an intersection is not something fragile, it is therefore something quite complex and that attends to the needs of its historical moment.


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Foucault, M. (2009). Vigiar e Punir: nascimento da prisão. São Paulo: Vozes.

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Placido, D. (2007). El sexo en la sociedad griega: la paideía, los rituales, los mitos. En: Celestino, S.P. La imagen del sexo en la Antigüedad. Barcelona: Tusquets.



How to Cite

Pattaro Amaral, F. . (2023). Editorial 31. Pensamiento Americano, 16(31), 1-2. https://doi.org/10.21803/penamer.16.31.707